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Dr. Naveed Aslam Lashari, Dr. Kamlesh Kumar Ahuja, Dr. Jetesh Kumar, Dr. Shumaila Khalil, Dr. Imran Karim and Muhammad Jan Khetran


Objective: To explore the extra-articular features in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Patients and Methods:A total of fifty patients known case of rheumatoid arthritis for ≥1 year duration and newly diagnosed cases as per American College of Rheumatism were included in the study. The criterion for the selection of the patients for the study was those patients diagnosed case of rheumatoid arthritis. The exclusive criteria were known patients of osteoarthritis, gout, osteomalacia, rickets, Paget's disease, Ankylosing spondylitis, Psoriatic arthritis, Reiter's syndrome, Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and patients with other connective tissue disorders. After having selected cases for the study, careful history & physical examination was carried out in each patient in particular relation to locomotor system whereas the frequency / percentages (%) and means ±SD compute d for study variables. Results: During two year study period total fifty patients had Rheumatoid arthritis for ≥1 year duration were explored and study. The mean ± SD for age (yrs) of population was 56.87±6.94. Regarding GENDER distribution male 15 (30%) and female 35 (70%) while as far extra‑articular manifestations is concerned pulmonary involvement20 (40%), vasculitis 07 (14%), skin involvement 05 (10%), ocular manifestations 10 (20%), oral manifestations 12 (24%), gastrointestinal involvement 06 (12%), cardiac involvement 15 (30%), renal involvement 18 (36%), neurological involvement 05 (10%), haematological manifestations 10 (20%) and lymphadenopathy 02 (4.0%) respectively. Conclusion: Extra-articular signs in RA were observed in a considerable extent of patients, which lead to a more terrible result. KeyWords: rheumatoid arthritis and extraarticular features.


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