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Dr Amna Ahmed, Dr Alvina Malik, Dr Aamna Islam


Objective: The aim of this research work is to compare the dentists of the teaching organizations & private practices in the city of Lahore with respect to the preferences to the dental material & selection of the methods by these two groups. Methodology: This was a transverse research work carried out in Punjab Dental Hospital, Lahore. There were seventy-one & ninety-seven participants in the teaching & non-teaching group respectively. We performed the stratified sampling for the selection of the samples. We obtained the information with the utilization of the well-arranged, self-organized questionnaire containing total ten questions. Chi-square test was in use for the comparison of the different techniques used by the subjects of both group. We checked the reliability of the collected information with the application of the Kappa statistic. Results: The rate of response in the teaching-group was 94.670% (n: 71 out of total 75) whereas in non-teaching group, response rate was 44.10% (n: 97 out of total 220). The data reliability obtained in this research work considered as good (value of Kappa from 0.530-0.720). There were important disparities between the subjects of the groups about the selection of the restorations for the cavities. Preferences about the utilization of the Rubber Dam, dentine pins, retraction cords use, Inlay Onlay preparations, gold crowns, dentine pins, amalgam bonding, utilization of the bleaching agents for the whitening of the teeth & porcelain-veneers were much different in both groups. Teaching dentists were providing greater services as described above as compared to the non-teaching dentists. Conclusion: There are important disparities in the choice of the dental materials, preferences & types of the services in dentistry as provided by the subjects of the teaching group as compared to the subjects of non-teaching group. KEY WORDS: Gold Crowns, Retraction Cords, Kappa Statistics, Questionnaire, Disparity, Dentine Pins.


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