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Noreen Shahbaz, Muhammad Afzal, Ms. Hajra Sarwar


Abstract: Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is classically thought of as a rapidly progressive acute polyneuropathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare and serious autoimmune disorder of peripheral nerves.In GBS the nerves, protective covering (myelin sheath) is damaged. The cases of GBS in a very few numbers which occur by Campylobacterjejuni (a relatively common gastrointestinal bacterial pathogen). Rarely surgery or immunization can trigger Guillain-Barre syndrome. Conclusion:It is a rare disease. The cases of GBS in a very few numbers which occur by Campylobacterjejuni (a relatively common gastrointestinal bacterial pathogen This case study explores Guillain-Barre syndrome, which is classically thought of as a rapidly progressive acute polyneuropathy, Guillain-Barré syndrome is a rare and serious autoimmune disorder of peripheral nerves. The initial symptoms are typically changing in sensation or pain along with muscle weakness, beginning in the feet and hands. In GBS the nerves, protective covering (myelin sheath) is damaged. The cases of GBS in a very few numbers which occur by Campylobacterjejuni (a relatively common gastrointestinal bacterial pathogen). While GBS is the most common cause of acute paralysis, the exact pathogenesis is still unclear. Mechanisms involve an autoimmune disorder, in autoimmune disorder body system mistakenly destroy the peripheral nerves and damages their myelin. Rarely surgery or immunization can trigger Guillain-Barre syndrome.


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