Volume : 10, Issue : 06, June – 2023



Authors :

Chandini Nair*, Sandhya R, Prasobh G R*, Abhirami V S*, Afzal Ahamed M*, Haripriya S P*, Reshma S Vijay*

Abstract :

Human beings have been herbs for different purpose like food, medicine, beautifying. The word cosmetic was derived from the Greek word” kosm tikos” meaning having the power, arrange, skill in decorating. The origin of cosmetics forms a continuous narrative throughout the history of man as they developed. The main in prehistoric times 3000 BC used colours for decoration to attract the animals that he wished to hunt and also the man survived attract the animals that he wished to hunt and also the man survived attack from the enemy by colouring his skin and adorned his body for protection to provoke fear in an enemy (whether man or animal). Hence after referred as products, are formulated, various permissible cosmetic ingredients to form the base in which one or more herbal ingredients are used to provide defined cosmetic benefits only, shall be called as “Herbal Cosmetics”. The natural herbs and their products when used for their aromatic value in cosmetic preparation are termed as herbal cosmetics. The increased demand for the natural product has created new avenues in cosmeceuticals market.
Keywords: Herbal cosmetics, skin cosmetics, tooth cosmetics, hair cosmetics.

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Please cite this article in press Chandini Nair et al, Herbal In Field Of Cosmetics., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (06).

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