Volume : 10, Issue : 06, June – 2023



Authors :

Ismath Bano, Nazakath Shaista Fatima, Bushra Sereen, Nishath Fatima, Dr. Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain*

Abstract :

Due to the 2019 pandemic caused because to the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) has led to the investigation of different drugs for their efficacy and therapeutic benefits for people suffering from the Covid-19 illness because of its high prevalence, easy spreading of the virus mortality rates due to severe respiratory viral infection. Many pre-existing medications have been known to provide a rapid and effective response due to their known effects, characteristics, and the dose to be used.
Objective: To show the advantageous effect of using combination therapy of Corticosteroid (Methylprednisolone) with Remdesivir as opposed to using monotherapy of Remdesivir in the treatment of Covid-19 patients.
Methods: The retrospective observational study was carried out for six months in the Medical Records Department. A total of 150 patients affected with Covid-19 were admitted to the Hospital. The patients were organized into two different groups, with 100 patients in Group-1 (Corticosteroid, i.e. Methylprednisolone with Remdesivir) and 50 patients in Group-2 (Remdesivir). The patients were administered with desired doses of drugs, and the following data was collected in the patient data collection form. The patient’s demographic information, hemodynamic parameters, laboratory values, symptoms, and conditions were collected.
Results: Patients treated with a combination of Corticosteroid (Methylprednisolone) with Remdesivir showed a high frequency of efficacy and more significant therapeutic outcome when compared to Remdesivir as monotherapy. The results can potentially assess the severity of COVID-19 from the hemodynamic parameters and biomarkers.
From this, we can conclude that when the patient is given the combination therapy of the Corticosteroid (Methylprednisolone) with Remdesivir, there is a significant improvement in the patient’s health. They are more hemodynamically stable, and their cough and SOB are also treated as opposed to the Group-2 patients who have been administered Remdesivir as a monotherapy.
Conclusion: Our study found a significant and influential therapeutic outcome from using Corticosteroid (Methylprednisolone) when given in with the Antiviral drug Remdesivir as opposed to the monotherapy of Remdesivir.
Keywords: Covid-19, Corticosteroid, Methylprednisolone, Remdesivir, Pandemic, and Coronavirus.

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Please cite this article in press Mohammed Ashfaq Hussain et al, Comparison And Drug Utilisation Study Of Corticosteroid (Methylprednisolone) With Remdesivir V/S Remdesivir In Covid-19 Patients., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (06).

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