Volume : 10, Issue : 11, November – 2023



Authors :

*B. Madhu Sree , C. Reddy Kumari, Y. Bharath Kumar, G. Vishnu Vardhan ,B. Swetha Reddy, N. Sumitha , Dr. M. Kishore Babu

Abstract :

The complicated mental health disorder known as dissociative identity disorder (DID), originally called Multiple Personality Disorder, is defined by the existence of two or more separate identities or personality states within an individual. Every identity has a distinct set of behaviour, recollections, and worldviews. These personalities frequently take charge of a person’s behaviour and may or may not be aware of one another. Chronic, severe trauma, especially in early childhood, is usually linked to the beginning of DID. Because there is a break in the regular integration of consciousness, memory, and identity, it is classified as a dissociative disorder. Due to DID’s covert nature and symptoms that can coincide with those of other mental health issues, diagnosing it can be difficult. mostly for treatment include ongoing psychotherapy with the goal of combining the several identities into a single, coherent sense of self. A key component of treatment is attending to any co-occurring mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, or post-traumatic stress disorder. The fundamental processes and efficacious therapies for DID are still being investigated. Helping people with DID enjoy happy, productive lives requires a thorough and caring approach to treatment. For those impacted by this illness, friends, family, and mental health experts’ understanding and support are crucial elements of the recovery process.

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Please cite this article in press B.Madhu Sree et al, A Review Of Complexities Of Dissociative Identity Disorder, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (11).

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