Volume : 10, Issue : 11, November – 2023



Authors :

Mohammed.H.Milyani, Salem.Z.Alnadawi, Latifa.H.Althobity, Wafai.A.Althebity, Ashwaq.S.Alnadawi, Fowzeya.H.Alnadawi, Fouad.S.Alsharif, Hameed.M.Alhuthali, Mohammed.O.Alsharif, Sada.S.Alhuzali

Abstract :

The aim of the study is what type of sterilization exists to sterilize tools used for nursing in health centers, what is the role of sterilization and its uses for nursing-related materials, what materials are sterilized for nursing in health centers, the importance of effective sterilization of materials used for nursing in health centers. A questionnaire was conducted via Google Drive, the questionnaire was distributed via the social media network (where 800 questionnaires were distributed) to mobile groups, and responses to 750 questionnaires were obtained via email.
Keywords: the importance, sterilizing materials, nursing, health centers

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Please cite this article in Mohammed.H.Milyani et al, The Importance Of Sterilizing Materials Used For Nursing In Health Centers, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (11).

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