Volume : 10, Issue : 11, November – 2023



Authors :

Dipti D. Damodar, Mr. V. D Rathod, Aniket P. Sawasakade, Pallavi P. Atalkar, Sejal R. Sahu, Dhiraj A. Thaddani, Tejas G. Niwane

Abstract :

Persistent mental illness, bipolar disorder affects more than 1% of people worldwide. It causes a person’s mood and energy to shift abruptly, and it also impairs their capacity to think rationally. Neurotransmitter imbalance, along with genetic and environmental factors, are the main causes of bipolar disorder. Diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and metabolic syndrome are more likely in people with bipolar disorder. In the medical world, early diagnosis is uncommon since bipolar disorder lacks biomarkers and is characterized by nonspecific symptoms or a rapid shift in mood. Suicide risk is heightened by depression, which is the major factor.
Approximately 20 times more people commit suicide owing to bipolar disorder than the overall population, according to an SMR survey. Both nonpsychiatric and psychiatric medical specialists should be present at the same time. Lithium is reportedly frequently prescribed to lower the risk of suicide. A patient with bipolar disorder may have a wide range of symptoms, including stress, hypomania, and mania. Additionally, it has been observed that patients and their families are reluctant and unable to comprehend the significance of symptoms, particularly those of hypomania or mania. The main issue is that no study or research on bipolar disorder has been able to live. The severe to find the exact or correct treatment for bipolar disorder, leading to a treatment that is lifelong and involves a combination of medications and psychotherapy. There is also an urgent need for the right and perfect medication to treat this problem. Early diagnosis and treatment.
KEYWORDS: Stress, Suicide, Mania, Depression, Disability, and Hypomania are all symptoms of bipolar illness

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Please cite this article in press Dipti D. Damodar et al, Review On Bipolar Personality Disorder., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (11).

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