Volume : 10, Issue : 12, December – 2023



Authors :

Khaled Alghamdi, Hussain Albeladi, Khalid Alotaibi, Mobarark Albeshri, Hamad Abdlqader Almaramhi

Abstract :

Effective storage management is paramount in the healthcare industry to ensure the integrity, safety, and availability of medicines and medical devices. This article provides a comprehensive review of key aspects of storage management, including facility design, temperature control, inventory management, regulatory compliance, and quality assurance. Best practices for each area are explored, emphasizing the importance of standardized operating procedures, temperature monitoring systems, efficient inventory management practices, staff training, and education. Additionally, emerging trends such as technology advancements, sustainability considerations, automation, and data analytics are discussed. Regulatory compliance and quality assurance play a crucial role in storage management, necessitating adherence to Good Storage Practices (GSP) and other regulatory requirements. By implementing these best practices and staying abreast of emerging trends, healthcare organizations can optimize storage operations, enhance patient care, and ensure compliance with industry standards.

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Please cite this article in press Khaled Alghamdi et al, Optimizing Storage Management In Healthcare: Best Practices, Regulatory Compliance, And Emerging Trends, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (12)

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