Volume : 10, Issue : 12, December – 2023



Authors :

Sejal R. Sahu*, Vivek D. Rathod, Dhiraj A. Thaddani , Aniket P. Sawsakade, Dipti Damodar, Pallavi Atalkar

Abstract :

Gastric ulcer is common disorder of digestive system. Current therapeutic regimens largely rely on Western medicine. However, numerous studies have demonstrated that herbal medicines can effectively treat gastric ulcer in humans and various animal models via divergent mechanisms. This review updates the efficacy and safety of herbal medicines in treating gastric ulcer, and the mechanisms of their action in humans and animal models. Studies have demonstrated that the efficacy of herbal medicines is comparable or superior to that of drugs such as omeprazole or cimetidine in humans and animal models, and herbal medicines display fewer adverse effects. The mechanisms by which herbal medicines benefit gastric ulcer include stimulation of mucous cell proliferation, anti-oxidation, and inhibition of gastric acid secretion and H(+)/K(+)-ATPase activity.1Most common sign of peptic ulcer disease (PUD) is a break in the GI tract’s inner lining brought on by either pepsin or gastric acid release. It penetrates the stomach epithelium’s muscularis proporia layer. Usually, it affects the proximal duodenum and stomach.2 Patients with gastric disorders typically experience epigastric discomfort within 15 to 30 minutes after eating, whereas duodenal ulcer patients typically experience pain 2 to 3 hours later.2 Past decade has obviously witnessed a tremendous surge in acceptance and public interest in natural therapies both in developing and developed countries, with these herbal remedies being available not only in drug stores, but now also in food stores and supermarkets. It is estimated that up to four billion people (representing 80% of the world’s population) living in the developing world rely on herbal medicinal products as a primary source of healthcare and traditional medical practice which involves the use of herbs is viewed as an integral part of the culture in those communities. 3
Keywords: Peptic ulcer, H.pylori bacteria, NSAIDs, Traditional herbs, Endoscopy, Gastric cancer.

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Please cite this article in press Sejal R. Sahu et al, Traditional Herbal Drugs Used In The Treatment Of Peptic Ulcer, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (12).

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