Volume : 10, Issue : 12, December – 2023



Authors :

Dr.Fahad Abdulrashid Alafghani, Jaber Essa Alhaij, Nehal abdulrahman koshak, Ahmed Mohammed Saleh Alzibali, baseil hussain alrifaei, Abdulrhman Hassan Salah Alghamdi , Rami Aqab Al-Nufaie , Mahdi Hameed Alobaidi, Wajanat Abdul Malik Shafei, Emad Saleh Aljefri

Abstract :

Despite extensive endeavors over several decades to enhance the quality and safety of healthcare, achieving this objective appears more unattainable. Rarely are successful examples of improvement duplicated. Utilizing many ways for adopting guidelines seems to yield greater effectiveness compared to using a single strategy. As mentioned in the introduction, guidelines are now commonly regarded as integral components of complete quality systems. These systems generally incorporate guidelines with educational interventions, audits, and other measures aimed at enhancing performance.

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Please cite this article in press Fahad Abdulrashid Alafghani et al, Factors Improving Healthcare Environment For Better Practice:Review, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (12).

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