Volume : 11, Issue : 01, January – 2024



Authors :

Prof. J.S. Venkatesh*, Dr. Upendra N*, Bleslin Varghese, Gladys Jiji ,Hemanth Gowda M N, Hridya Suresh

Abstract :

The distribution, prescription, and use of drugs in society is called drug utilization, which receives medical, social, or economic attention. Antibiotics have been shown to be effective in reducing morbidity and mortality associated with infectious diseases due to their definitive or appropriate use, whiletheir misuse can lead to higher levels of morbicide, patient expenses, and bacterial antibiotic resistance. The primary medication used in pediatrics is antimicrobial agents. Due to the general increase in health care costs, inconsistencies in prescribing medicines and the emergence of antibiotic resistance, the monitoring and control of antibiotic use of increasing concern, and a strict antibiotic policy would be justified. The application of antimicrobial agents must be carefully planned and carried out, as their absence or resistance can be life-threatening. Irrational drug usage is prevalent in developing countries. . In India, doctors often prescribe three or four drugs for the most trivial ailments to satisfy the supply of drugs for patients or the profits of drug dealers. Therefore, drug use evaluation studies are necessary for all drugs and especially for antibiotics.
Key words: Drug use evaluation, antibiotic resistance, irrational use, antimicrobial agents.

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Please cite this article in press Hridya Suresh et al., The evaluation of antibiotics in pediatrics: A systematic approach, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (01).

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