Volume : 11, Issue : 01, January – 2024



Authors :

J.S. Venkatesh, Santhosh Uttangi, Joshina Johnson, Juby Johnson, Jomin Varghese, Kundan Singh

Abstract :

A drug-drug interaction typically involves an unintentional alteration in the effectiveness or side effects of a medication when taken concurrently with another drug. Potential drug interactions are concerning when two medications known to interact are prescribed to the same patient. The age of sixty-five is commonly associated with retirement and is often considered the starting point of old age in many developed countries. The ageing process is indeed a biological phenomenon, influenced by various factors beyond human control. Aging can impact the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs, leading to changes in drug metabolism, distribution, and response. These alterations can contribute to variations in the duration of drug activity, effects, and an increased risk of drug toxicity and adverse reactions in older individuals. Optimizing drug treatment for the elderly involves considering factors like potential interactions, comorbidities, and individual responses to medications. A comprehensive approach with regular monitoring is crucial. Our review includes the pharmacokinetic effects of drugs in elderly, factors contributing to the drug interactions in elderly and its significance. Prescribing medication for the elderly requires careful consideration of various factors such as potential interactions, side effects, and individual health conditions. It’s essential for practitioners to prioritize safety and effectiveness when prescribing for older adults to avoid adverse outcomes.

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Please cite this article in press J.S. Venkatesh et al Heightened Drug- Drug Interactions In Older Adults: A Critical Concern., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (01).

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