Volume : 11, Issue : 02, February – 2024



Authors :

Dr. Partha Pratim Pal, Dr. Laijun Nahar

Abstract :

Introduction-: Inflammation of the umbilicus is called omphalitis. Adults with severe omphalitis are uncommon and can be caused by both congenital and acquired causes. The conventional method of treatment is antibiotics and an incision followed by surgery. Till now, no case record of omphalitis managed by homeopathy has been documented in a different database.
Case summary-: A 45-year-old male reported with severe pain in the periumbilical region with purulent discharge from the umbilicus for one day. His complaints were resolved with the help of homeopathic medicine, Calcarea carbonica, within one month. The visual analogue scale (VAS) and photographs were considered at each appointment to assess the patient’s improvement. The Modified Naranjo Criteria for Homoeopathy score was used to examine the causal attribution between the homoeopathic intervention and the treatment outcome, which suggested that the patient’s improvement could be attributed to the homoeopathic treatment delivered. This clinical case report demonstrates the beneficial effects of homeopathic treatment in omphalitis.
Keywords: Calcarea carbonica, Case report, Homeopathy, Omphalitis

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Please cite this article in press Partha Pratim Pal et al Omphalitis in Adult Managed With Homoeopathy: A Rare Case Study, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (02).

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