Volume : 11, Issue : 02, February – 2024



Authors :

Dr. B. Aruna *, B. Vasundhara

Abstract :

Diabetic nephropathy is one of the most feared diabetic chronic microvascular complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes.it is also known as diabetic kidney disease. and is defined by increased urinary albumin excretion in the absence of other renal diseases. The chronic hyperglycaemia and high blood pressure are the main risk factors for the development of DN. The stages of diabetic nephropathy: Stage1kidney damage present but normal kidney function and a GFR of 90%or above and stage 2- kidney damage with some loss of function and a GFR of 60-89%. Stage3-milld to severe loss of function and a GFR of 30-59%. Stage4- severe loss of function and GFT of 15-29%. The major causes of end-stage renal disease. if what happens to the kidney in diabetic nephropathy is high blood glucose level can damage the small blood vessels and tiny filters in your kidneys. the mechanism of proteinuria is may be initiated by promoting increased production of reactive oxygen species. the induction of AGE-induced proinflammatory signaling and increased glomerular capillary pressure and hypofiltration. pathogenesis of DN is progressive nerve fiber loss. The aim of this discuss the methods of early screening and diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy and the therapeutic strategies that promote Reno and cardio protection in this high risk group of patients, in order to reduce the incidence of diabetic nephropathy and it’s associated cardiovascular mortality. The prevention of DN is the treatment of known risk factors hypertension, hyperglycaemia, smoking and also CV disease should be vigorous treated. The review focus on the role of inflammation and oxidative stress in pathogenesis of DN, approaches to diagnose in classic and NP-DN, current and emerging and therapeutic interventions.
Keywords: Diabetic nephropathy, albumin excretion hyperglycemia , cardio vascular mortality , proteinuria

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Please cite this article in press B. Aruna et al., A Review Article On Diabetic Nephropathy, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (02).

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