Volume : 11, Issue : 05, May – 2024



Authors :

Miss. Monali Adhe, Mr. Pramod Bhosle, Vaibhav Kute and Dr. Vitthal Kuchake

Abstract :

Overall, the current scope of herbal syrup is quite broad. And there is a growing demand for natural and herbal remedies. Day by day increasing the astmatic patients cause by increased pollution , smoking. As well as enhance the respiratory disorders where as, incereased acute and chronic cough patients in india. That’s why essential need of developments in the herbal cough syrup seeing by the current condition. The study aim to formulate and evaluate the natural cough syrup. The purpose of this research is to discuss the current state of the plants that utilised as source of food , and their role in herbal medicine such as respiratory stimulant, antimicrobial, cough suppressant, antibacterial and anti-inflammetery. Thats herbal ingredients such as Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Turmeric, Honey and Orange oil etc. Which have various action and effect on reducing acute and chronic cough and acts as a cough suppressants. These syrup is used treatment to overcome symptomes of disease formulation of at laboratory scale was done and evaluate for number of parameter such as organoleptic properties, appearance, pH, specific gravity, density and viscosity. The main objective of this study, developing in the herbal cough syrup for the reducing the acute and chronic cough and to prevents the respiratory infection as well as respiratory disorders, to relief the astmatic condition and it also beneficial for people suffering from chest congestion.
Key word :- Cough , herbal syrup, ashwagandha, tulsi , turmeric ,orange oil, honey.

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Please cite this article in press Monali Adhe et al, Formulation And Evaluation Of Honey Base Cough Syrup.,Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (5).

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