Volume : 10, Issue : 07, July – 2023



Authors :

Padmaja Devi M.S.*, Prashobh G.R. and Sheeja Rekha A.G, Athira.A.S

Abstract :

There are several new thyroid hormone preparations that can be used to treat patients with hypothyroidism. These include a new preparation of levothyroxine called Tirosint that is the only thyroid preparation in a gel capsule. There is also new preparation of desiccated thyroid (from porcine thyroid) called WP thyroid, that is similar to Nature-Throid. Many patients have trouble absorbing standard thyroid preparations such as levothyroxine,Synthroid or Levoxyl. Certain conditions and several medications (calcium, iron, vitamins thatcontain calcium and iron, and antacids or proton-pump inhibitors) affect absorption of levothyroxine that can lead to variable thyroid levels with resultant symptoms of either hypothyroidism.
Keywords: Levothyroxine TIROSINT

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Please cite this article in press : Padmaja Devi M.S et al, Review On New Drug For Hypothyroidism., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (07).

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