Volume : 10, Issue : 06, June – 2023



Authors :

Arathy Sreenivasan*, Binisha K*, Sheeja Rekha A G, Vipin Prakash, Prasobh G R

Abstract :

One of the most compelling reasons for food analysis is to ensure that it is safe for both consumers and producers. Sodium benzoate is a widely used preservative that can be found in many foods and beverages. This study contains an overview on the properties, uses, safety, contraindications, adverse reactions and harmful effects of sodium benzoate. FDA accepted concentration is 0.1% and WHO accepted daily intake is 5mg/kg. From the available preservatives sodium benzoate is safer for consumption, however the continuous use may lead to harmful health hazards. It is safe to avoid over consumption of soft drinks and beverages in day-to-day life.

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Please cite this article in press Binisha K et al, A Review On The Use Of Sodium Benzoate As A Preservative In Carbonated Soft drinks., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (06).

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