Volume : 10, Issue : 11, November – 2023



Authors :

Ravali Koyi*, M V Nagabhushanam

Abstract :

Pharmaceutical packaging is one market across the globe which is advancing at constant pace. It is expected that market will grow to worth $78.79 Billion by 2025. Packaging is a key for sale, safety and success. Like other packaged goods, pharmaceuticals packaging need to be in such a manner that it will provide speedy packaging, protection, identification, product quality, patient comfort, display and needs of security. Advancement in research of pharmaceuticals development had always being dependent on the packaging technology. Maintaining integrity of pharmaceuticals during storage, shipment, and delivery is assured by quality of packaging available. This article reviewing current pharmaceutical packaging trends and predicting the packaging outcomes in future and also explains the Current Regulations for Marketing Authorization of Pharmaceutical Packaging Materials in India, USA & Europe.
Keywords: Pharmaceutical packaging Materials, Marketing Authorization, Current Regulations, India, USA & Europe.

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Please cite this article in press Ravali Koyi et al, Current Regulations For Marketing Authorization Of Pharmaceutical Packaging Materials In India, Usa, And Europe, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (11).

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