Volume : 10, Issue : 11, November – 2023



Authors :

Mr. Gundala Aswin, Mr. V. S. Chandrasekaran*, Dr. M. Kishore Babu

Abstract :

Conjunctivitis is a common pediatric problem and is broadly divided into infectious and non-infectious etiologies. Bacterial conjunctivitis makes up the majority of cases in children and often presents with purulent discharge and mattering of the eyelids. Viral conjunctivitis is the other infectious cause and is primarily caused by adenovirus, with a burning, gritty feeling and watery discharge. Allergic conjunctivitis is largely seasonal and presents with bilateral itching and watery discharge(1). Contact lens wearers should always be treated for bacterial conjunctivitis and referred to evaluate for corneal ulcers. Allergic conjunctivitis is an increasingly frequent condition with a higher prevalence in children and it is considered to be controlled when the ocular symptoms are not uncomfortable or are present, at most, on 2 days a week; the visual analog scale score is below 5, and the degree of conjunctival hyperemia is graded 0 or 1 on the Efron scale.
Keywords: Conjunctivitis, Adeno virus, Corneal Ulcers, Hyperemia, Efron scale

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Please cite this article in Gundala Aswin et al, A Review On Eyes Conjunctivitis, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (11).

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