Volume : 10, Issue : 11, November – 2023



Authors :

Lujain Salah Abusadi

Abstract :

The project was conducted to explore the prevalence of skin diseases among diabetes and/or obesity patients. Only a little attention has been paid to its prevalence. obesity alters the barrier of the skin and induces manifestation. The commonest cutaneous manifestations associated with obesity are acanthosis nigricans, acrochordon, striae distensae, plantar hyperkeratosis, and intertrigo. Obesity also associated with hyperandrogenism in women, which promoting skin diseases like hirsutism, acne or androgenic alopecia. Insulin plays an important role in the physiology of the skin. IR induced in patients with chronic inflammation, lead to cutaneous manifestations like psoriasis. Acanthosis nigricans consider an early skin sign of diabetes mellitus. Poor control of diabetes mellitus increases the capability of skin infections. The commonest skin manifestations in diabetes patients are bacterial and fungal infection, skin tags, xeroderma, and brown spots. Weight loss is an important method for humans to decrease metabolic diseases, increase self-confidence, and improve patient lifestyle. Weight loss interventions are different, liraglutide considered one of these interventions as it’s showing it’s effectively to decrease body weight that leads to improvement or treat skin disease too.

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Please cite this article in Lujain Salah Abusadiet al, Skin Diseases, Obesity And Diabetes, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (11).

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