Volume : 10, Issue : 10, October – 2023



Authors :

Bushra Naz Jhaniya*, Md Alimoddin, Nadeem Hasan, Mohammed Mukarram Ali, Dr. Mohd Rafiq

Abstract :

Objectives: To study the adaptogenic activity of the root extracts of Asparagus racemosus (Asparagaceae) in anoxia stress tolerance, cold restrain stress, swimming endurance, cell mediated immune response, immobilization stress models in rats and mice.
Background: In traditional system of medicine this plant is widely used for its variety of activities such as anti-inflammatory, antiulcer, antidiarrhoeal, female reproductive tonic. Further no scientific data is available on the adaptogenic activity of the root extracts of this plant. Hence the present study was planned to explore the adaptogenic activity of this plant in various stress induced experimental animal models like rats and mice.
Materials and method: Chloroform (CERAR) extracts was prepared by the Soxhlet process and Aqueous (AQERAR) by maceration process. Both extracts were subjected for LD50 studies in mice upto the maximum dose level of 2000 mg/kg, p.o, and none of them produced abnormal behavior or mortality. Adaptogenic activity was recorded with three different doses selected from each AQERAR and CERAR noted as low medium and high and tested in anoxia stress tolerance, cold restrain stress, swimming endurance, cell mediated immune response, immobilization stress models in rats and mice and was noted with significant adaptogenic effect.
Different parameters like BUN (blood urea nitrogen), GLU (blood glucose), CHO (cholesterol) and TRI (triglycerides) and weight of the organs like liver, spleen, adrenal gland, kidney, levels are significantly altered after treatment with doses of both the extracts in adaptogenic rats.
Phytoconstituents like glycosides, saponins, carbohydrates, flavonoids, tannins and phenolic compounds, alkaloids, steroids, proteins and amino acids are already reported for this adaptogenic activity. Some of the phytoconstituents mentioned above are present in both these extracts and these can be accounted for absorbed adaptogenic action.
Keywords: Asparagus racemosus root extracts, Adaptogenic activity, Anoxia stress tolerance, Cold restrain stress, Swimming endurance, Cell mediated immune response, Immobilization stress.

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Please cite this article in Masroor Ahmed et al, Comparative Studies Of Low And High Dose Of Shatavari With Ashwagandha Against Various Models Of Adaptogenic Activity, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (10).

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