Volume : 10, Issue : 09, September – 2023



Authors :

Naveena .B*, Tivya Lakshmi .S.T

Abstract :

Wilson’s disease (WD, or Wilson disease) is a clinical condition caused by mutations in the region of chromosome 13q14 that codes for the protein ATP7B. In Wilson’s disease, there is a faulty copper excretion mechanism, which causes copper to accumulate in the liver and spill into the bloodstream, where it begins to accumulate in other organs and tissues such as subcutaneous tissue, thalamus, mucous nuclei, cerebral cortex, kidney and cornea. Treatment is based on removing excess copper by chelating agents such as penicillamine, trientine (25), or tetrathiomolybdate (26,27) or by blocking intestinal absorption of copper with zinc salts (28), with the ultimate goal of normalizing free plasma copper.
Key words : Copper, Zinc, Penicillamine, Accumulation.

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Please cite this article in press Naveena .B et al, Assessment Of Wilson’s Disease, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2023; 10 (09).

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