Volume : 11, Issue : 02, February – 2024



Authors :

R. Jona Methusala, N. Sai Haritha

Abstract :

Talazoparib tosylate (BMN-673, Talzenna; Pfizer) is an oral poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase (PARP) inhibitor (PARPi) that has been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) for the treatment of germline BRCA-mutated locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer (BC). In preclinical and clinical studies, talazoparib exerted superior efficacy and offered a significant clinical benefit in advanced or metastatic BC patients harbouring germline BRCA mutations compared with other PARPi and standard chemotherapy regimens through the concept of synthetic lethality. Thus, this review provides insight into the results of preclinical and clinical studies, highlights the current challenges of talazoparib and suggests innovative approaches to further improve its clinical efficacy and expand the use of talazoparib in advanced BC and/or triple-negative BC treatments beyond BRCA mutations.
Keywords: BMN-673; BRCA-positive breast cancer; Cancer therapy; Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase (PARP) inhibitors; Talazoparib to sylate.

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Please cite this article in press N. Sai Haritha et al., A Review Article On Talazoparib – Anti Cancer Drug, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (02).

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