Volume : 11, Issue : 02, February – 2024



Authors :

R. Jona Methusala, B. Gowthami

Abstract :

Flecainide acetate is a class IC antiarrthythamic agent and its clinical efficacy has been confirmed by the its results of several cilinical trails. Now days , flecainide is recommmened as one the first line therapies for pharmacological conversion as welll as maintenance of sinus rhythm in patient with aterial fibrillation and /or supraventricular tachycardias. Based on the caedic arrythmia suppression trail study results , flecainide is not recommened in patient with structural heart disease due to hiogt proarrthymic risk. Recent data support the role of flecainide in preventing ventricular tachyarrthyminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia associated both with ryanodinre receptor and calsequestrin mutation. we herein review the current clinical data related to flecainide use in clinical practice and some concerns about its role in the management of patients with coronay artery disease.
Keywords: Atrial fibrillation: class IC anti-arrhythmic drugs: Flecinaide proarrthythmia: ventricular tachycardia.

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Please cite this article in press R. Jona Methusala et al., A Review Article On Flecainide, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (02).

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