Volume : 11, Issue : 02, February – 2024



Authors :

Tanuja M. Langote, Sakshi S Mahalle, Sarvesh T Lawange, Vinayak A.Katekar, Dr.Swati P .Deshmukh

Abstract :

Diabetes mellitus is disorder of abnormal high blood glucose levels i.e. hyperglycemia Acc++ who in 2016, 422 million adults suffered from diabetes mellitus, types “insulin depended diabetes mellitus” or “Juvenile diabetes mellitus” {NIDDM} or “adult onset diabetes” and gestational diabetes it occurs during pregnancy. Effective management of diabetes mellitus can decreased the severity of disease by preventing amputations and mortality. blood sugar control, wound debridement and advanced dressings is part of management the main symptoms of diabetes foot ulcer is hyperglycemia, increased fluid intake, blurred vision, change in energy metabolism, increased urine production and hyperglycemia. The uncontrolled diabetes mellitus caused diabetes
Keywords:- NIDDM, Gestational diabetes, Hyperglycemia, Necrotic Tissue, Retinopathy, Macrophages, Cytokine Effect.

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Please cite this article in press Sarvesh T Lawange et al., Diabetes Foot Ulcer, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (02).

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