Volume : 11, Issue : 01, January – 2024



Authors :

Zainab Abdullah Al Mahfoodh , Kawther Muneer Alsadda , Amal Hussain Almansour , Zainab Abdulmohsen Almuallem , Amal Hussain Almansour5, Fatimah Murtadha Alawami , Fatimah Mustafa Alsalim , Sahab Muslam Altuwaylib

Abstract :

This review explores the association between body mass index (BMI) and high blood pressure in adolescents. The prevalence of high blood pressure in adolescents has been on the rise as well as obesity, and there is a growing body of evidence suggesting a strong correlation between elevated BMI and increased risk of developing high blood pressure. The article reviews various studies and research findings that have investigated this relationship, and discusses potential mechanisms by which elevated BMI may contribute to the development of high blood pressure in adolescents. Additionally, the review highlights the importance of medical intervention and lifestyle modifications to prevent and manage high blood pressure in this population. Overall, the article provides a comprehensive overview of the current understanding of the association between BMI and high blood pressure in adolescents and identifies areas for future research and intervention.
Keywords: BMI, high blood pressure, hypertension, obesity, overweight

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Please cite this article in press Zainab Abdullah Al Mahfoodh et al., The Association Between BMI With High Blood Pressure In Adolescents, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (01).

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