Volume : 11, Issue : 01, January – 2024



Authors :

Varsha S. Nagre, Vanshree G. Rathod, Vinayak A. Katekar, Dr. Swati P. Deshmukh

Abstract :

Ilium candida L., known as Madonna, meadow, or white lily, is a bulbous plant from theLiliaceae family, originating in the Middle East. L. candida has been abundantly used in folk medicine since ancient times to relieve a variety of ailments, including age-related diseases, burns, ulcers, and coughs. The aim of this article is to investigate the anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic activities of L. candida extracts and its active phytochemicals.
Lilium candida L., was cultivated and has been used for different purposes like medical, cosmetics, commercial for thousands of years. It was naturally distributed around the city of Balkier (in Marmara region) and was investigated for its morphological, anatomical, and phonological specifications during this study. Some of the morphological measurements were different from the measurements in Flora of Turkey. The measurements on bulb, stem leaves, basal leaves, bracted, pedicel, inner and outer teals (separately), fruit, seed and pollen were given for the first time. Natural distribution of L. candida in this region is the first record for the region and also the natural growth conditions for this species around Balkier city were determined for the first time
Keyword: Ilium candida; phytochemicals; phonological specifications

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Please cite this article in press Varsha S. Nagre et al., Overview of Pharmacology and Medical Remedies of ‘Lily’, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (01)..

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