Volume : 11, Issue : 01, January – 2024



Authors :

Dr.M.Manasa* , A.Divya, M.Jennifer, G.Himasagar, K.Thulasi.

Abstract :

It is a prospective observational study to estimate the prevalence of hesitation cuts among suicidal patients and their treatment outcomes. this study mainly aims at decreasing the suicidal ideation among suicidal patients who underwent hesitation cuts by psychiatric pharmacotherapy and patient counselling. these cuts may be superficial or some are severe (deep cuts). in our study among 40 cases, it is estimated that 32 patients are mostly self-harmed for his hand and 7 patients are self-harmed for throat and one for abdomen. by this study it was concluded that psychiatric pharmacotherapy with escitalopram and respiradone has shown more efficient in decreasing depression and schizophrenia patients and counselling (CBT therapy, DBT therapy) has shown efficiency in decreasing suicidal ideation among suicidal hesitation cut patients.
keywords: sucide, hecitation cuts, ecitalopram, respiradone, cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT)

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Please cite this article in press M.Manasa et al., Prevalence Of Hesitation Cuts Among Suicidal Patients And Their Treatment Outcomes In Tertiary Care Hospital., Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (01).

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