Volume : 11, Issue : 01, January – 2024



Authors :

Nadeem Hasan, Ziaurrahaman, Syed Feroz, Dr. Mohd Rafiq, and Dr. Sadath Ali

Abstract :

Pediculus humanus capitis also called as human head louse, infestation is a major concern in public health associated problem. Resistance of human head louse drug towards louse laid the foundation for research in exploring antilice medicine from medicinal plants.
In present study, petroleum ether and methanolic extracts of Andrographis Peniculata were tested against the pediculus humanus capitis by a simple filter paper diffusion method.
The methanolic extract showed 98.4% mortality in 30 minutes and 100% mortality in 60 minutes whereas petroleum ether extracts showed 94.8% mortality in 30 minutes and 100% mortality in 60 minutes. In order to reduce the mortality time, the extracts are mixed with carrier oil like castor oil, coconut oil and olive oil. The methanolic extract with all the three-carrier oil showed significant reduction in mortality in 30 minutes whereas petroleum ether showed moderate pediculocidal effects. All the results were well compared with benzoyl benzoate (25% w/v) as standard.
These results showed the prospect of using Andrographis peniculata extracts against Pediculus humanus capitis in difficult situations of emergence of resistance to synthetic anti-lice agents.
Key Words: Andrographis peniculata, Antilice activity, Filter paper diffusion, Pediculocidal medicine, head lice.

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Please cite this article in press Nadeem Hasan et al., In-Vitro Screening Of Anti-Lice Activity Of Andrographis Paniculata, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2024; 11 (01).

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